Wild Berry

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  • GlycoJect Super Carb


    Introducing GlycoJect™ – Evogen Nutrition’s Elite Pre- & Post-Workout Carbohydrate Loading Solution. This unique, pre- and post-workout carbohydrate loading and nutrient shuttling formula is the perfect performance-booster for virtually any athlete!


    What is GlycoJect?

    GlycoJect is a precisely formulated hyper-volumizing nutrient driving complex, designed to hyper-load muscles with performance-fueling glycogen while simultaneously “injecting” muscle-building nutrients into muscle cells. GlycoJect is an integrated complex that contains a patent-pending carbohydrate (Karbolyn® Homopolysaccharide) designed to pass rapidly through the stomach into the bloodstream where it is shuttled directly into muscle cells.



    Additionally, GlycoJect contains a blend of key insulin-mimetic and potentiating agents, included to accelerate nutrient transport and volumization. GlycoJect combines these high-performance ingredients with the nitric oxide and ATP replenishing benefits of citrulline malate to create a potent, ultra-fast carbohydrate and nutrient shuttle “system”.


    What Does GlycoJect Do?

    GlycoJect’s nutrient-driving, hyper-loading formula was designed to dramatically increase nutrient absorption into muscle cells, supercharging muscle size and pump, and fueling greater growth and recovery. By engorging muscle cells with carbohydrates, water and growth-enhancing nutrients, GlycoJect boosts recovery and replenishment, while supporting increased cellular volume and hydration, for maximum muscle roundness, fullness and pump.