Digestive Enzymes Improve Digestion and Absorption

The Benefits of Digestive Enzymes and How They Can Improve Digestion and Absorption

Digestive Enzyme Supplements Reduce Bloating, Gas, Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Digestive Enzymes improve digestion and absorption. Gas should be a fuel you put in your vehicle not a buildup in your stomach. A backup should only happen when waiting to pay for a great pair of shoes not after eating your meals for the day.

Gasy and Backed Up? Digestive Enzymes May be the Supplement for You

Enzymes aid the body to absorb nutrients from consumed foods and beverages. Absorption of nutrients makes for an efficient body and mind. Stimulating a feeling of well being. Improving sleep and work outs. Creating a better state of mind and less aches and pains.

There is also a connection between the strength of our immune system and our enzyme level. The more enzymes available the stronger the immune system will be. Making you feel energy and the more productive.

 Improve Digestion and Absorption of Your Food

Digestive enzymes aids the body in the absorption of nutrients from food and liquids. Each enzyme has its own function. Protease, Peptidase, Papain, Invertase, Amylase, Lipase, Lactase and Cellulase are amongst a few. All aid the body to digest food.  They also prevent toxic conversions of fats, proteins and carbs. Promoting better absorption of key nutrients.

Plant enzymes go to work right away. Animal enzymes start their action after entering the small intestine. Digestive enzymes break down food and or liquids into nutrients. Nutrients the body can absorb and use. Amino acids break down from proteins. Fatty acids and cholesterol from fats. Simple sugars from carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals.

If a body lacks digestive enzymes, it can’t break down food/liquids. Hence it is not absorbing much needed nutrients.

Lactase is a popular enzyme. Commonly used for lactose intolerance. Therefore taking a lactase supplement improves digestion of lactose and increases nutrient absorption. Making the body a more efficient and healthy machine.

Be like Norm. Stay regular. Be consistent.

Get the Plumbing Moving Efficient and Regular: Intake Fiber

The most effective way to get fiber is from whole foods. But, most Americans, find it tough to eat the recommended 25 to 38 grams of fiber a day. No matter the end goal, adding a fiber supplement can be beneficial to a person’s health and well being. Including improving digestion.

Fiber supplements most often come from “functional” fibers. Fiber from plant or animal sources. A functional fiber can either be soluble or insoluble. Both aid in digestion and the absorption of nutrients.

Soluble Fiber and Digestive Enzymes Improve Digestion and Absorption of Fiber

Soluble fibers turn into a gel during digestion. Found in chia seeds, oatmeal, and psyllium (fiber supplement) . Thus helping slow down digestion and providing a feeling of fullness. This process can help energy levels and can aid in weight control. Slowing down digestion releases blood sugars slower in the body. Helping lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and controls diabetes through blood sugar level maintenance.

Insoluble Fibers Can Prevent Constipation

Insoluble fibers do not dissolve in water. Found in broccoli, whole wheat, and flaxseeds (fiber supplement). They pass through the body and add bulk. Which helps food and waste pass through the stomach and small intestines. Insoluble fibers prevent constipation and keeps the body functioning.

The Gut is Always RIGHT! 

Whatever the goal, fiber can help. Its many uses are not limited to increased energy levels.  It also aids in loss of bodyfat/weight. Regulating blood sugar. The general feeling of well being. While increasing regularity and a healthy bowl movement. Fiber supplements will help you maintain a healthy body and mind.

Probiotics Support Digestive Health: Digestive Enzymes Improve Digestion and Absorption of “Good” Bacteria

The human body is full of both “good” and “bad” bacteria. Probiotics are a live bacteria and yeast that known to be the “good” bacteria. This “good” bacteria aids in preventing harmful “bad” bacteria growth.

 So Why Should You Use a Good Probiotics Supplement?

Probiotics also lower the amount of “bad” bacteria in your system. By balancing the amount of “good” and “bad” bacteria it keeps your body working like it should. Healthy “good” bacteria can aid the immune system. Increase energy levels. Improve sleep. Aid in proper digestion and general health and well being. Keeping that balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria helps vaginal health. Also prevents colds, urinary tract infections, allergies, lactose intolerance, diarrhea, constipation. Digestive Enzymes improve digestion and absorption of your food. Adding probiotics to your enzyme supplements can increase absorption.

Where Do You Find Probiotics?

Probiotics are in your body. As well as in foods like yogurt or by taking a probiotic supplement.

Probiotics help move food and waste through the gut. Making it very useful for those consumers with digestion problems.

Environmental or medical issues can affect the “good” bacteria and enzymes in the body. Therefore, talk to a medical practitioner. Check out your levels and start a good supplement and food regime today.


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